Company Information

Site Operator
Westerwelle Foundation
Civil Law Foundation
Torstraße 201
10115 Berlin

Phone: +49 (0) 173 667 5756

Managing Director
Christoph Pleitgen

Michael Mronz (Chairman)
Ralph Dommermuth
Oliver Reisner

Responsible for content
Christoph Pleitgen
address as above

The Westerwelle Foundation for International Understanding is a charitable and judicable foundation under civil law, located in Berlin.

Responsible supervisory authority
Senate Department for Justice and Consumer Protection of the State of Berlin
Salzburger Str. 21-25
10825 Berlin

Commercial Register
Registry Court: Berlin, Charlottenburg

Responsible for Content
not defined
(Address as above)

Copyright and Image Credits
The contents of are – unless otherwise indicated – protected by copyright.

Used photographs are marked with image credits where applicable or listed below, unless they were taken by employees of the Westerwelle Foundation.

The use of photographs on third-party websites is only possible within the scope of the respective author’s license.

Created by:
© DURY LEGAL Attorneys at Law –
© Website-Check GmbH –


In spite of ongoing editorial control, we accept no liability for the accuracy, completeness or timeliness of website contents.

This website contains links to external internet sites. These links are purely informational in nature. The operators of any linked sites are therefore solely responsible for their content.

Should we be made aware of illegal activity, we will immediately remove the link in question or the relevant contents from our website.


Unless otherwise stated, the content of this website is protected by copyright law. Any use of the information provided here, in particular the duplication, processing, distribution and any type of use outside the limits of copyright require the prior consent of the Westerwelle Foundation or the respective rights holder. Copies and downloads are only permitted for private, non-commercial use.


Design and Programming:
Sebastian Klammer Grafikdesign Berlin

Photographs and illustrations on this website are used with the permission of the respective rights holders, unless they are self-made. These are listed in the following photo credits.

Photo Credits:

  • Thomas Imo, Thomas Trutschel, Thomas Köhler, Michael Gottschalk (
  • Philipp Wehrend
  • Sarah-Johanna Eick
  • Peter Groth
  • Bernhard Ludewig
  • Portrait “Über uns”: © ullstein bild – Lengemann/WELT
  • Moizhusein /
  • MIKA-fotografie
  • Aaron Deppe
  • Dedan Gospel
  • Apollo Prod
  • Mohamed Dhia Abbsi
  • Umurava Works
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